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5 Common Questions About Ductless Heat Pumps

HVAC unit outside of home

Before installing a new HVAC system, you may have a few questions about the system’s function, lifespan, and overall compatibility with your home. For ductless heat pumps, it’s important to hit all your bases before scheduling an installation. 

If you have questions about ductless heat pumps, ACS has your answers. With decades of HVAC experience, our local air specialists offer exclusive industry insight and top-quality heating services to optimize your home’s indoor air quality. Below, we answer five of the most common questions about ductless heat pumps to help you determine if this system is right for you

How Does a Ductless Heat Pump Work?

A ductless heat pump, also known as a mini-split system, transfers air from inside your home to the outside and vice versa. These systems contain two components, an air handler, the indoor unit, and a condenser, the outdoor unit. Connected by pipework through an exterior wall, these components exchange warm hair back and forth to heat or cool your home. In the winter, a ductless heat pump draws warm air from the outside and transfers it inside your home. In contrast, your system will reverse this process during the summer, pumping warm air from inside your house out through its outdoor unit. 

How Long Does a Ductless Heat Pump Last?

Like most HVAC appliances, ductless heat pumps do have an expiration date. On average, a ductless heat pump lasts 10-20 years. However, most homeowners typically replace the systems sooner rather than later, as ductless heat pumps can experience wear and tear over time. Once your system crosses the 10-15 year threshold, consider upgrading to a more efficient model that will save you on energy costs and more efficiently heat your home. 

Where do Ductless Heat Pumps Work Best?

As a homeowner, you should consider the climate before installing a heat pump. Generally, heat pumps are common in mild climates where temperatures don’t hit extreme highs or lows. If you do live in an area with moderate weather, you should then consider if a ductless system is suitable for your property type. Ductless heat pumps are an excellent option for homes with no existing ductwork and limited space to install ductwork or homes with space not connected to the central air distribution system, like finished attics, garages, or basements. 

What are the Benefits of a Ductless Heat Pump?

There are several reasons why you should consider installing a heat pump. From energy savings to optimized comfort, heat pumps, especially ductless heat pumps, are one of the best options for your heating and cooling needs. Read below for our list of ductless heat pump benefits. 

Easy Installation

Ductless heat pumps are very simple to install. They can be installed pretty much anywhere in your home, including new additions and rooms with no windows and only require a three-inch hole in your external wall to connect the indoor and outdoor components.


If comfort is your top priority, a ductless heat pump is your best fit. Ductless heat pumps offer efficient circulation throughout your home, yielding consistent temperatures that aren’t as easily sustained by central heating and cooling systems. 


A ductless heat pump’s configuration is very flexible. During the installation process, several indoor wall units can be operated by only one outdoor unit, allowing you to customize each room’s heating and cooling load and size to match your system. 

Better Indoor Air Quality

Ductless heat pumps deliver cleaner air throughout the home than other HVAC appliances. Because these systems have no air ducts, there is no risk of pollutants, or allergen buildup, meaning your air will be more consistently clean and healthier for your household. 

What does Maintenance look like for a Ductless Heat Pump?

The ultimate way to improve your ductless heat pump’s performance is to schedule regular maintenance. Doing so lets you keep your ductless heat pump in tip-top shape and prevent any minor issues from evolving into significant system problems. When you schedule HVAC maintenance for your ductless heat pump, you can expect temperature testing, thorough cleaning, leak surveying, and electricity testing. After checking all of the heat pump’s core components, your local air specialist will be able to ensure your system is running smoothly. 

HVAC Heating and Cooling with ACS

At ACS, we are committed to helping you get the most out of your heating and cooling systems. Whether it’s repairs, replacement, installation, or routine Maintenance, no heating job is too big or too small for our team of certified HVAC technicians. Connect with our team today for premium HVAC maintenance in Covington, Milledgeville, and surrounding areas.