As 2021 comes to a close, and we move into the new year, it’s time to start thinking about your new year’s resolutions. While most people think of resolutions like cutting back on drinking alcohol or limiting the number of sweets they eat, there’s another route you can go when thinking of your resolutions.
Instead of going with the same old boring resolutions, we’ve come up with a list of resolutions that you can make for your home this year!
Cut Down Your Energy Use
Were your energy bills sky high in 2021? There are a lot of factors that could be to blame for these outrageous prices. One thing, for instance, is the amount of time we’re spending at home these days. The more time we spend at home, the more we spend on lighting, heating, and cooling and keeping all of our appliances and gadgets running. But even with the additional time spent at home, there are steps you can take to lower your bills.
Schedule Maintenance
Make sure to schedule regular maintenance on all of the appliances in your home that need it. We recommend biannual maintenance appointments on your heating and cooling systems to ensure they’re ready to keep your home cool or warm, depending on the season. A well-maintained system will run more efficiently and effectively, meaning it won’t need to stay on a sling to heat or cool your home to the desired temperature. In turn, this will lower your electricity bills.
Turn Off the Lights
You’ve likely heard this throughout your entire life, but make sure to turn off the lights when you leave the room. This time of year, electricity costs soar because of all of the holiday lights, but even once the holidays pass, it’s easy to get into bad habits regarding your home’s lighting. It’s also not a bad idea to unplug your unused appliances, even if they’re switched off. Have you ever heard of energy vampires? It’s a term that refers to the appliances you leave plugged in all day every day that slowly but surely use your home’s energy.
Improve Your Indoor Air Quality
Air quality deserves its own section because while caring for aspects of your IAQ will also lead to lower energy bills; it has a significant impact on your health. There are various ways to care for your home’s indoor air quality, one of the simplest ways is by regularly swapping out your home’s air filters. We recommend doing so every 90 days, or more often if anyone in your home has allergies or respiratory issues.
We also recommend installing a humidifier in your home. During these colder months, the natural moisture in the airdrops significantly. You might think this just disrupts your comfort at home, but it can have additional effects. Most notable is the damage it does to your hair, skin, and sinuses. Without the added moisture, everything begins feeling far more dry and brittle. Dry air can also damage any hardwood flooring or furniture you have.
If your refrigerator fails, you only have a few hours to react in order to keep all of the food inside from spoiling. If you can’t get it repaired in time, that could mean hundreds of dollars are going to waste in the form of rotten food. While most refrigerators don’t require much in the way of maintenance, it helps to have a trusted number on hand to call in the event of a refrigerator meltdown. Whether you’re in need of residential or commercial refrigeration help, our team at Air Conditioning Specialist, Inc. have got your back.
Do you need help tackling some of these resolutions? Contact our team for assistance.