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5 HVAC Tips for When You Go on Vacation

person pulling suitcase through airprot

For many homeowners, it’s easy to forget about their HVAC before heading out on vacation. Whether you’re going on a weekend road trip or spending a week in the tropics, it’s important to prepare your HVAC system for your absence. 

At ACS, we are committed to optimizing your household’s heating and cooling systems. With decades of valuable industry experience, our NATE-certified HVAC specialists offer exclusive industry insight to help you understand how to maintain your HVAC system while away. Below, we’ve compiled a list of HVAC tips for when you go on vacation. 

Set Your Thermostat

A common misconception among homeowners is to shut their HVAC system off while they’re away. Although this might make sense theoretically, it is not an HVAC best practice. Instead of shutting your system down, we recommend changing your thermostat’s settings. Generally, it’s best to set your thermostat 5-10 degrees higher than normal during the summer and lower in the winter. Not only will this minimize your risk of frozen pipes in the winter or moisture buildup in the summer, but it will also reduce your energy expenses significantly.  

Check Air Filters

If you’re leaving for an extended period, it’s essential to check your HVAC system’s air filters before leaving. Generally, you should change your air filters every 30-60 days, as this ensures consistent and clean airflow throughout your home. When neglected, air filters are easily susceptible to dirt buildup and blockage, contaminating indoor air quality and exhausting your HVAC system. Believe us, your future self will thank you for checking your air filters before jet-setting to your next adventure. 

Close All Blinds And Curtains

One of the best HVAC pro tips for summer vacays is to close your blinds and curtains. Leaving your blinds or curtains wide open invites sunlight into your home. As a result, your indoor temperature will increase and trigger your air conditioning system to work harder than necessary. To be proactive and save your system from wasting energy, ensure your home is protected from solar heat absorption before going on your trip. 

Install A Surge Protector

One thing you might not account for before going on vacation is a potential power surge. If your home experiences a power surge while you’re gone, it could have severe consequences for your HVAC system. In some cases, your unit might undergo irreparable damage and require a replacement. Consider installing a surge protector before going away to avoid the cost and stress of a system overhaul. Doing so will protect your HVAC system and other electrical equipment from these unwanted power surges and spikes. 

Ensure Maintenance Is Up-To-Date

Keeping up with your preventative HVAC maintenance is the best way to ensure you don’t come home to any unfortunate surprises after your trip. With a comprehensive HVAC maintenance plan, you can keep your heating and cooling systems running at peak efficiency while away. At ACS, we offer residential and commercial HVAC maintenance programs to ensure greater HVAC efficiency, longer-lasting systems, and minimized energy usage. 

HVAC Heating and Cooling with ACS

At ACS, we are committed to helping you get the most out of your heating and cooling systems. Whether it’s repairs, replacement, installation, or routine maintenance, no heating job is too big or too small for our team of certified HVAC technicians. Connect with our team today for premium HVAC maintenance in Covington, Milledgeville, and surrounding areas.