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How to Choose the Right HVAC System for Your Home

HVAC unit outside of home

Is your HVAC system due for an upgrade? If your system is over a decade old and starting to break down, then the answer is yes. However, choosing a new home HVAC system can be tricky, especially if you’re unsure of what to look for. Luckily, that’s where we come in! 

At ACS, we know how important it is to select the right HVAC system for your home. That’s why we offer exclusive industry insight into all things HVAC repair, replacement, and maintenance! Delivering premium HVAC services to residences across Milledgeville, Covington, and surrounding areas, our experts will help you make informed decisions about your home’s heating and air. Below, we’re offering some valuable tips for choosing the right HVAC system for your home. 

In this article, our industry experts discuss factors to consider when choosing the right HVAC system for your home, including: 

    • Size
    • Efficiency 
    • Maintenance requirements
    • Cost
    • Local climate


Size is something you must consider when replacing your HVAC system. Generally, your unit’s size will coincide with your home’s size. If your property is sizable, you can expect your HVAC system to be the same. To little surprise, larger systems tend to cost more than smaller ones. So, you’ll want to make sure your budget can accommodate a new system if you’re in a larger home. 

The biggest mistake you can make when sizing your unit is shooting too high. If your unit is oversized, it may cause problems like higher utility bills, excessive humidity, uneven temperatures, and poor system efficiency. That said, you want to ensure you hire an HVAC specialist you can trust to size your system correctly. At ACS, our experienced technicians guarantee proper sizing and unparalleled client satisfaction. We’ll make sure your system fits just right! 


System efficiency is another thing you’ll need to look out for when installing a new HVAC system. Choosing a system with higher efficiency will cost you more upfront. However, it will also lessen your monthly energy bills. A more budget-friendly, lower-efficiency unit might not have this effect. However, it will still be a significant upgrade from your outdated system. 

When evaluating system efficiency, you’ll have to consider some numbers. Units will have a seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) to show the cooling efficiency of an air conditioner or heat pump. They will also have annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) to display the heating efficiency of a furnace boiler. Lastly, you should consider the unit’s heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF), which shows a heat pump’s heating efficiency.

Maintenance Requirements

No matter how large or expensive, every HVAC system will require regular professional maintenance. However, it will also require some upkeep from you, the homeowner. On top of professional maintenance, you’ll need to periodically tend to your system by changing its air filters, cleaning the outdoor units, opening vents, chaining oil filters, and more. If completing these tasks seems out of your wheelhouse, consider a more low-maintenance, cost-effective system. Or, you could install your new unit with ACS and participate in our Comfort Club HVAC Maintenance plan! Check out our residential offerings here!  


While installing a top-quality HVAC system can be expensive upfront, it’s well worth the investment. While a cheaper option will be a step up from your current system, it won’t provide you long-term energy and cost savings like a premium system. We suggest investing in a durable, high-quality system for optimal performance and energy efficiency. However, everyone’s budget is different, so do what’s best for you and your wallet! 

Your Local Climate

Your local climate will significantly affect what kind of HVAC system you install. If you live somewhere with extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, you’ll have to ensure the system you choose can withstand these conditions. For example, if you live somewhere with frigid winters and mild summers, go with a furnace and a standalone ductless system for frequently occupied rooms. 

Meanwhile, a ductless system with heat pumps could be your best bet if you have extreme summers and moderate winters. Consult your HVAC technician for decisions on system upgrades. If they’re anything like our experts at ACS, they’ll know exactly what system will work with your local weather conditions.

HVAC Heating and Cooling with ACS

If you need professional HVAC repair, replacement, or maintenance, you can count on ACS to deliver nothing but the best! With decades of valuable industry experience, our certified HVAC technicians are the best in the game! Connect with our team today for top-quality HVAC maintenance, repair, or installation in Covington, Milledgeville, and surrounding areas.